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SAGA PROGRESS REPORT (12/04-12/05) &


Our monitoring and evaluation efforts focus on a set of yearly quantitative indicators, such as publications, workshops and, and small grants issued. In addition, we developed with USAID/Washington a series of instruments and conducted a survey of users and clients, distinguishing among four groups: USAID Missions, African research collaborators, stakeholders, and recipients of grant awards ever second year. This was the off-year, so such surveys were not conducted. However, we did conduct surveys of those participating in SAGA sponsored workshops and conferences. Some highlights include:
  • The results of surveys of participants of three workshops are included for 2005 (See Appendix VII, VIII, and Appendix IX): “Shared Growth in Africa” held in Accra, Ghana July 21- 22, 2005; “Empowering the Rural Poor and Reducing Their Risk and Vulnerability” held in Nairobi, Kenya, February 10, 2005; and “Poverty in Uganda: Trends, Dimensions and Policy” held in Kampala, Uganda, February 4, 2005. Among all the participants who responded to the questions on a 1 to 5 scale about the organization, content and impact of the SAGA workshops, (where 5 is strongly agree, 4 is agree, 3 is neither agree nor disagree, etc.), averaging the results from the three conferences, 34% report 5s; 44%, 4s; 11%, 3s; 5%, 2s; and 2%, 1s. An additional 3% of the answers were either not known or considered not applicable by the respondents.

  • Publications for this reporting period are shown in Appendix X. Since December, 2004, there have been 39 new and revised papers posted to the SAGA website. Of these, 22 have accepted for publication in journals and as chapters in books. For this reporting period, 39 conference papers have also been added to the website. Additionally available on the SAGA site is the volume of papers, Qualitative and Quantitative Methods of Poverty Analysis, proceedings from the SAGA Workshop held in Kenya in 2004. Appendix XI lists the 30 SAGA papers which have been accepted for publication in refereed journals and edited volumes.

  • SAGA researchers made 12 visits to collaborate with African colleagues during this reporting period. Trips were made to the following countries: Senegal, 2; Ghana, 1; Kenya, 2; South Africa, 1; Madagascar, 2; and Uganda, 4. African colleagues have, in turn, visited SAGA researchers at Cornell on 10 occasions in 2005, including 3 from South Africa, 6 from Madagascar, and 1 from Kenya.

  • As noted above in Section IV.1 above, the SAGA website has continued to be developed both in terms of papers published and conferences highlighted. The impact of the website is measured by the number of hits received and by an increasingly large number of visitors. In the period January-September, 2005 the SAGA website registered 225,516 hits, and a more than four-fold increase compared to the same period, January-September 2004. The total number of downloads of working and conference papers posted was 41,945 for the period January-September 2005. See Appendix VI for a summary of website statistics.

  • Major conferences, as detailed in Section IV.2, totaled 4 for this reporting period – in Kenya, Uganda, Senegal and Ghana, as well as a 3-day workshop in Madagscar. Appendix XXII provides information on these conferences, as well as 6 presentations made by SAGA researchers during this reporting period.
Next Steps

During the next year we will continue our quantitative monitoring of output and activities, including:
  1. Number of publications
  2. Number of visits by SAGA researchers and small grants coordinator to collaborate with African colleagues and vice versa
  3. Number of hits on SAGA websites
  4. Number of workshops/conferences and presentations by SAGA

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